— Define what you want to achieve.

  • Your goal is YOURS. Choose what you genuinely want to achieve in order for you to grow in the direction you really want to grow.

  • Example: "I will swim 50m in 20sec"

— Choose the category that best fits your goal.

  • Think about the journey to that goal, think about the effort, if it's something that challenges your physical limits maybe it's in the Athletic category, if the effort is in managing your money to make a purchase then maybe it's Acquisition & Material.

  • Think about what motivates you to achieve that goal, is it feeling healthier ? Is it the next step in your professional life ? Or is it something you've always wanted to own ?

  • Finally, think about the people you want to connect with, the achievers who are looking for something similar to you, with similar motives and efforts. — Category is the first factor that will filter the Telegram group you'll be connected to.

There are goals that can fit into different categories depending on what the individual is looking to get out of the experience.

But be aware that goals that are too far removed from the chosen category may not be accepted.

— Select the type of design that inspires you the most.

  • Go turn that vision into reality. Manifest it.

The outfit that gets you closer to the right people.

Network with achievers like you.

Receive an invitation to a Telegram group with people who have achieved a similar goal to you.

1. When you order a piece, tell us what goal you're committed to achieving and you'll receive a unique identification number (UL).

2. Achieve the goal, send us proof by email (video or photo), a photo with the product, and your contact details.

3. Receive a link to the group and connect with like-minded achievers.

Connect me

Join a club of achievers with the same goal