— Ready to meet your clan?

Send us an email with your UL (unique lable — e.g. A . 60450) and a photo/video proof of your achievement.

Find more information below.

Send email

1. What's the UL?

It's a code with a letter followed by numbers that identifies you as an achiever and is always present on the items you buy.

It is given to you when you make your first purchase, and is used so that we can connect you to your history of achievements.

This allows us to:

  • Connect you to groups based on your unique path, so that you benefit from interacting with the right people.

  • Invite you to events and private meetings designed for people on similar journeys to you.

Depending on what type of achiever you are, this is also a useful code so that we can support your goals by connecting you to opportunities of interest (sponsorships ; partnerships ; scouts ; etc).

And it's this same code that we use to promote your achievement on our "Inspiring Achievers" blog.

To celebrate you, and inspire others like you.

— A great way to promote yourself (professionally ; as a creator ; athlete ; etc).


  1. A UL code cannot be used by more than one person.
  2. Misappropriation of a UL code that does not correspond to the original user entitles the current user to expulsion from all groups (connected to all achievements made with that UL code), and a permanent ban on any future purchases.

2. What serves as proof?

The proof can be a lot of things, but it has to be a content (photo or video) that makes 3 things clear:

  • The achievement you've made. If it was a marathon, film yourself crossing the finish line, if it was a course, take a photo with the diploma or film yourself in class, if it was gaining 10 kg of muscle mass, show us the progress or the measurements on the scales. The proof is up to you, be creative.

  • You. We need to see you in that content to confirm your identity, make sure you show your face (and don't forget to smile).

  • The item you bought linked to that goal. You could be wearing it, you could be holding it, it doesn't matter. Just show that you have it and you're good.

    It's important that these 3 factors are evident simultaneously in that content.

Attention, we won't be able to connect you to a group if you don't have clear proof.

Please note that there are certain goals that are challenging to prove, and that these cannot serve as admission to a group (if they are not correctly proven).

— Any false or misleading proofs will result in expulsion from all groups (linked to all achievements made with that UL), and a permanent ban on any future purchases.